Most of us have a love-hate relationship with credit cards. We love the convenience of a swipe to get access to money, but we hate the shock of that bill at the end of the month. Here at How Cash Works we are going to provide you with a thorough understanding of not only the basics of credit cards, but also we’re going to dive into how you can play the system to your benefit.
How to Calculate Your Credit Utilization If You Have Multiple Credit Cards
Now let’s say you have more than one credit card. All you would have to do to calculate your utilization rate would be to add [...]
How to Calculate Your Credit Card Utilization Rate
Utilization is a fancy version of the word “USAGE”. This represents one of the most important categories in calculating your credit score — but it’s [...]
What are the top factors in determining your credit score?
Some of the major factors that affect your credit score are pretty obvious, while others not so much. The key to improving your score is [...]